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immersi in natura per un giorno e una notte. una location molto speciale ospiterà tutti i partecipanti la notte del 2 agosto per concludere questa esperienza formativa in modo davvero unico. un pi (6).svg


AUTOSTOP_PASSAGGI PER CORPI IN MOVIMENTO is the unconventional dance event, created to work in contact with nature and on oneself; it is aimed at students from all dance disciplines, but also from other artistic and sporting realities, eager to enhance physical and expressive potential as well as the connection between the two spheres. The aim of the Program, in its stop at Motta di Livenza, is both educational and performative! The week's work will culminate in a final presentation open to the public, an opportunity for sharing for all those who will participate in this unique journey. 

Throughout the week, muscle development and agility exercises will alternate with proprioception exercises.

This first phase dedicated to training and listening to one's body prepares for a structured and progressive improvisation work, conceived as a vehicle for self-communication: improvising does not mean "moving freely" but is the result of mastering communicative awareness and the tools that the dancer has at their disposal to express themselves.

 The playful aspect will accompany the activities of AUTOSTOP in its OPEN version, allowing participants to gain, in a fun and spontaneous way, greater confidence with their own body, with others, and with the environment. All days will take place outdoors, cultivating the connection with different elements of the territory and taking advantage of the architectures present in Nature. The AUTOSTOP stop on site (Motta di Livenza) aims to be a real opportunity for enrichment for the Person and among People!





  • Outdoor training - muscle strengthening, proprioceptive exercises, agility, concentration.
  • Partnering.
  • Improvisation.
  • Contact.
  • Brief meditation and guided visualization.
  • Relaxation and stretching.

The proposal is aimed at boys and girls aged 10 and up coming from dance but also from other artistic and sports disciplines. 

The program will be shaped based on the specificities of the group that will be formed and, moreover, the work will be individually calibrated on each participant: AUTOSTOP helps to recognize one's limits, helps to master them, and stimulates to overcome them. Therefore, it will move from explorations and exercises that promote specific and personal work to other proposals aimed at exchange and sharing among students of different ages/levels, a certain source of comparison, inspiration, and mutual enrichment.

AUTOSTOP OPEN, in its stop at Motta di Livenza 2024, will take place from August 26 to 30 and will develop in a Program of 5 hours a day for 5 days (from Monday to Friday) + lunch break and various breaks throughout the day.

The day takes place at the following times (except for the day of August 30): *

• 9.00– 12.00 first part.

• Break.

• 13.00 – 15.00 second part.

*the times may undergo slight changes.

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The cost of the seminar is €250.00 plus €35 for registration and membership to the Feel&Move association.



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