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scritta autostop


AUTOSTOP is the unconventional dance event, created to work in contact with Nature and on Oneself.

What makes AUTOSTOP unique is its exclusivity in taking place outdoors, promoting a connection with Nature, drawing inspiration from its elements, and utilizing the architectural structures that various Sites offer.


The program can be tailored based on the characteristics and needs of each individual group. There are specific Formats designed for an audience ranging from children to adults, amateurs to professionals, and even the entire Community. An opportunity for everyone to take a breath of fresh air, a break from the daily hustle, to listen to themselves and draw energy from the surroundings.


The common denominator for all groups is indeed the connection with oneself, others, and the environment.


Moreover, the work (both physical and introspective) is individually tailored for each participant. 

AUTOSTOP helps to become aware and familiar with one's limits, challenging them to even surpass them.





The evolution of Autostop

The project was born in 2014 from the idea of Fernando Pasquini - teacher, choreographer, and dancer - to "give a ride" to "bodies in motion," whether they are dancers or anyone else who wishes or feels the need to experiment, at that moment, in a similar experience. "Giving a ride" means helping each other, enriching each other through a dynamic of give-and-take that has accompanied Autostop since its conception.


Since then, the seminar takes place every summer, constantly evolving.

Particularly important is the collaboration with teacher and choreographer Jon B, which began in 2021: together they develop a co-conducted and enriched program, in addition to making AUTOSTOP itinerant, moving it off-site as well.

To date, the structure has further evolved, developing into a Tour with stops throughout the Italian territory!

One of the novelties of the 2023 edition is indeed the willingness to welcome co-organizers eager to host AUTOSTOP in their area.

The Staff's goal is to create collaboration and connect as many people as possible, giving life to a network of new acquaintances and mutual help.

Hosting Autostop means offering an event of unique educational value and making it unrepeatable thanks to one's support and ideas, which have the opportunity to become reality.

The territory itself, with its specificities, characterizes each stop, influencing the work and, in turn, is discovered and valued in an original way!


The territories that have hosted Autostop: Trapani, Erice, Treviso, Ghedi, Bassano del Grappa, Pavullo nel Frignano, Acquiterme, La Spezia.

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we believe in pushing the boundaries of what's possible. we are a team of experts committed to delivering outstanding results. (2).svg

For dancers, professional performers, or advanced levels.

For students and young dancers.

For people of the community.

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Do you want to participate in Autostop 2025?



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